Henry Street
May 1906 The initial general meeting of the Fremantle Art Club was held in the committee rooms, Henry-street, last evening, when Mr. J. B. G. Anderson presided. The following members were present; Messrs. W. F. Ramage, M. C. Donald, H. Warwick (secretary), H. B. Wright, and J. D. M'Leod… Objects of the club (a) Periodical meetings of the members for transaction of business in connection with the club; (b) Lectures and discussion of papers by members, or their friends; (c) Life class and exhibition of work. (reference) 31 Henry (now 11)
Nov 1906 The Fremantle Art Club is at last a thing, of the past, and no more do the long-haired Raphaels, hang about the steps and dodge the alleged model. It took a long time to satisfy the latter, that her term of employment was at an end and all remarks about the general deadness of the club were received by her with snorts of unbelief… Anyhow, she hung around the stairs for a long, time, breathing threats (and gin)… (reference)
Chinese herbalist, Henry St 1903, The Fremantle Mail, 29 Oct 1903 p 2
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