49 Pakenham St (was 51 pre 1938), 53 Pakenham St (was - pre 1938)
In 1964 the existing residence and shop dating from 1890s was demolished.
1990- Vacant Lot
2002 new apartment building (49a).
Thomas William Newbold was an auctioneer, Growers Agent and second hand dealer working at various addresses in Pakenham, St during his long career.
1926 SOME GOOSE CLUB! The Fremantle Workers' Club have for some years conducted a goose club each member of which pays in one shilling per week, and the goods are distributed at Christmas time. This year over £830 worth was allotted, consisting of hams (£325), turkeys, geese, ducks, fowls, wine, beer, etc. The poultry bill came to over £200. Through the kindness of Mr. Tom Newbold, the committee were able to use his fine markets with adequate poultry runs and store for the distribution. (reference)
1930 Thomas Newbold was charged by his wife with cruelty and an application was made for separation and maintenance. The case was dismissed and Newbold agreed to pay complainants costs. (reference)
1934 OVER THE BRIDGE, NORTH FREMANTLE NOTES (By "Fagan") North Fremantleites, and indeed all regular users of the traffic bridge, will miss the old familiar landmark— although the river lapped its sides at high tide—that has stood so long on the north side of the river close to the traffic bridge. This was a large boat, or punt, that had been fitted apparently for habitation, as there were windows fitted in the raised walls from the deck and in the windows there were curtains which suggested that some happy bachelor, desiring peace and quietness together with a life on the ocean wave, had combined the lot while, still on a solid foundation, for the boat was sunk hard and fast on the river bank. And now it is no more. Tom Newbold bought it and in a couple of hours it was demolished and taken to Fremantle. (reference)
1941 Detaining a Bicycle. Thomas Newbold. secondhand dealer, of Fremantle. was charged with having, without just cause, detained from a young girl at Fremantle a child's bicycle, of which she was the owner, after it had been claimed. Mr. P. G. Unmack, who appeared for the girl, was granted an order on the defendant for immediate possession of the cycle or the payment of £8. Costs were £2/5/ . (reference)
1944 TOM NEWBOLD, AUCTIONEER WILL SELL at 60 Pakenham-st. Fremantle.,, Tuesday next. April 4, at Two o'Clock: 25 Doors, Windows and Frames, 150-egg Champion Incubator. Wheat Grister. Horse Works. Wire Rok. Oil Engine incomplete. Large Blocks; Lottery Barrel, ex Ugllelqnd. "Ga! Trough; Garrat Skids. Wool Scour Gear. Shop Counters. Wood Stoves. Register Grate, mantelpieces, numerous Sundries. Further entries invited for this or next sale. T. W. Newbold. 17 Pakenham-st. Fremantle. (reference)
Lot 117 owners:
1829 - 1837 Smithers, W H
1855 - 1859 Duffield, J.H. Snr
1876 Manning, L A & Duffield, L
1877 - 1878 Manning, L A & Cooper, Mrs
1879 Cooper, Mrs. J
1941 - 1944 Thomas William Newbold was an auctioneer, Growers Agent and second hand dealer variously working (tbc):
1914 with Bluetts yard auctioneers, Adelaide st (reference)
1919- 101 Market St, 1920- 103 Market St (was 101),
1920 - 1922 85 Market St,
1921 Auctioneer and Grower's Agent. Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, Horse, Cattle and General Farm Produce. ( reference) 1926- 1932 - auctioneer at 99 Pakenham st,
1933-1949 - 47 Packemham ST ( was 95)
Received an auctioneers licence in 1944. He lived at 67 Walker st, Beaconsfield.
1941- 1949- 49-51 Packenham, 1944 60 Pakenham st,
1945- 1954- 17 South Terrace
Lot 117 owners: No 53 Packenham
1829 - 1837 McDermott, James
1855 - 1856 Goverment & Duffield, J, Senior
1857 - 1859 Duffield, J H, Senior
1876 - 1879 Reserve for Custom House
47-49 Packenham st 2021